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Maximum Capacity: 45

The Palace Hotel takes the safety of its staff and patrons very seriously. Just as we closed to prevent the spread of COVID 19, we are reopening with measures in place that will still prevent that spread, but also give our patrons a place to enjoy The Palace Hotel we all know and love.

With this reopening comes a rigorous list that we have created with the aid of current WorkSafe BC measures, and recommendations from BC Health Authorities. These measures and rules pertain to our staff and patrons alike, and are unique due to the nature of our business. With this in mind, we have introduced cleaning policies, distancing measures, and safety protocols that will ensure the safety but also enjoyment of our patrons, performers and staff. We have worked hard over the last few weeks to change the layout of our room, our policies involving seating, and our use and cleaning schedules of not only service areas.

We are truly excited to reopen. With the help of you, our patrons we know that we can overcome the risks of COVID and still have some fun.






The Palace will be open from 10am to 4pm.

No entry to guests who have any signs and symptoms of Covid 19 – respiratory illness, fever, runny nose, cough, shortness of breath, vomiting , diarrhea or who have travelled from the US in the previous 14 days.

All customers/people that enter The Palace Hotel must register in log book with name and phone number as contact information upon entry – (email is satisfactory only if no phone number available).

All service will be Self-Serve only at main bar

No seating at main bar will be available to maintain social distancing of 2 metres.

All staff service will be given to patrons that are seated only.

Alcohol to seated patrons only. No patron service at bar.

No special events will be permitted at this time.

Directional arrows have been installed on the flow to help with travel flow.

We have implemented new cleaning protocols, in addition to our current cleaning policies, to reduce transmission throughout the workplace.

All glassware will be thoroughly washed and sanitized by being cleaned in a commercial grade glasswasher.

All tools required to perform job will be washed and sanitized in a commercial grade glasswasher.

Every morning tests will be performed on glasswasher to ensure sanitation levels are at an acceptable level. These tests will be performed by using test strips. This same test will also be performed by second shift of the day and recorded in log book. Should there be an issue with sanitation levels; glasswasher service people will be contacted. 50 PPM Chlorine to be measured on test strip.

Handwashing facilities are available for all staff and customers.

Pool table is closed.

Light switches and other operational equipment will be sanitized after turning on/off.

We will also be implementing the applicable Industry Specific Protocols outlined by WorkSafeBC.



All Palace Hotel patrons must go through the front entrance before being seated.

All customers/people that enter The Palace Hotel must register in log book upon entry.

We have installed plexiglass at our main bar to keep a distance between our staff and customers entering.

Customers will be permitted to enter one group at a time to avoid contact with other customers.

Hand sanitizers will be available for customers upon entry and exit.

No indoor lineups will be permitted. If a line forms outside, each patron will be kept 2 metres apart via lines on floor with tape.

Notices will be posted at the entrances outlining our safety plans.

ATM Cash Machines will be cleaned after each use with Pine Sol disinfectant cleaner.



The patio will remain open until further notice.

To maintain a 2 meter distance between all patron groups, all seating will stay stationary and cannot be moved by patrons or staff for any reason.

Our dancefloor has been replaced with more tables and seating.

We will not be permitting groups of seating larger than 6 patrons.

As soon as a table is done being used by a patron, it will be immediately cleaned and sanitized by one of our staff members.

Self-Serve station for empty contains has been set-up. Staff will ensure all glassware is sanitized and empties are sorted properly.

Smoking Area now has reduced amount of tables to maintain social distancing of 2 metre. Tables & chairs are not to be moved. No group bigger than 6 people.



Self-Serve Lotto terminal is turned off.

Self-Serve Ticket checker is turned off

All BC Lotto players must stay seated and staff will make purchases and check tickets if requested by patrons. Patrons can’t check tickets.

All Pull Tab purchases to be completed by staff for the patrons. Patrons are not permitted to play Pull Tab vending machines.

No BC Lotto purchases to be completed by customers at main bar.

Staff will now control ALL BC Lotto products and provide service/tickets to patrons so that patrons remain seated at all times as per Public Health Officer Order.



Stage and stage area is closed.

Music will be turned down below normal levels in order to reduce any shouting when placing orders. Background music only at this time.



Washroom services will be limited to only 2 patrons at a time. Signs are posted.

Washrooms will be cleaned and sanitized every hour thoroughly during the entire day. Any customer-contact areas will be sanitized with Pine Sol cleaner every hour throughout the day.

There will be sufficiently spaced pathways to the washrooms to maintain distancing.

Signs will be up in washrooms to remind patrons of social distancing and maximum of 2 people per washroom at any one time.



No entry to staff who have any signs and symptoms of Covid 19 – respiratory illness, fever, runny nose, cough, shortness of breath, vomiting , diarrhea or who have travelled from the US in the previous 14 days. Staff should acknowledge that they are healthy before starting shift.

There will be no personal contact with other staff or customers (e.g. handshakes, hugs, etc.).

We will be staggering work schedules to decrease contact points. Only one staff member will be behind bar at any time.

All staff that are within the 2 meters with customers or other staff will be required to wear a face shield at all times.

Staff will be required to wash hands upon arriving at work, before/after breaks, and after handling common tools and equipment.

Staff are limited to one person in the back/storage room at a time.

Servers and bartenders each have their own POS system and cash caddy to reduce contact areas.

As only one employee will be scheduled, when relief employee starts their shift all new bartender tools are used. Tools from original bartender are washed and sanitized.

There will be staff members assigned to cleaning specific areas, utensils, and tools.

If while at work, an employee starts experiencing symptoms of respiratory illness consistent with COVID-19, even if symptoms are mild, ask the employee to don a mask and to leave work immediately, go straight home, and have them contact their family physician/primary care provider or 8-1-1 for further guidance.



Washrooms will be cleaned and sanitized every hour thoroughly during the entire day.

As soon as a table and chairs is done being used by a patron, it will be immediately cleaned and sanitized by one of our staff members. Cleaned with Pine Sol.

Handwashing facilities are available for all staff and customers. Hand sanitizer in all washrooms.

Every morning tests will be performed on glasswasher to ensure sanitation levels are at an acceptable level. These tests will be performed by using test strips. This same test will also be performed by second shift of the day and recorded in log book. Should there be an issue with sanitation levels; glasswasher service people will be contacted. Glasswasher Sanitizer and Detergent used are manufactured by Ecolab; Keystone Sanitizer and Keystone Detergent are the products used. Tables, chairs, handles and any other surfaces will be cleaned with Pine Sol cleaner.

Railings, door knobs, counters, ATM cleaned/sanitized with Pine Sol each and every hour and again at the end of the day.

Back of house between change of staff… all items and tools that have and might be used by any staff will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized with Pine Sol before, during and at end of each shift by each employee. These items include but not limited to all bartending tools, cleaning tools and any serving tools.

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