This Liquor Store takes the safety of its employees and customers very seriously.
Maintain Social Distancing - What does Social Distancing mean?
Together, we can slow the spread of COVID-19 by making a conscious effort to keep a physical distance between each other. Social distancing is proven to be one of the most effective ways to reduce the spread of illness during an outbreak. With patience and cooperation, we can all do our part.
This means making changes in your everyday routines to minimize close contact with others, including: Avoiding common greetings, such as handshakes - Maintaining a physical distance between customers, suppliers and employees (any individual) to prevent the spread of any germs
No empties accepted at this time (until further notice)
With remaining open comes a rigorous list that we have created with the aid of current WorkSafe BC measures, and recommendations from BC Health Authorities. These measures and rules pertain to our employees and patrons alike, and are unique due to the nature of our business. With this in mind, we have introduced cleaning policies, distancing measures, and safety protocols that will ensure the safety but also enjoyment of our patrons and employees. We have worked hard over the last few weeks to change the layout of our store and our use and cleaning schedules of not only service areas but the entire store.
We are truly excited to remain open. With the help of you, our patrons we know that we can overcome the risks of COVID.
Our hours of Operation remain the same with the exception of opening at 7am at selected locations in order to better serve seniors and our vulnerable population.
Reminders of all of our polies and procedures are posted on our front doors and can be viewed prior to entering.
Hand sanitizing stations have been installed at all entrance doors.
Directional arrows have been installed on the floor to help with travel flow.
Reminder floor decals have been installed to remind customers of 2 meter social distancing.
We have implemented new cleaning protocols, in addition to our current cleaning policies, to reduce transmission throughout the workplace.
Handwashing facilities are available for all staff.
Light switches and other operational equipment will be sanitized after turning on/off.
We will also be implementing the applicable Industry Specific Protocols outlined by WorkSafeBC.
Customers will be permitted to enter providing no more than our maximum number in store does not exceed six customers at any time..
Hand sanitizers station have been installed at entrance doors
No indoor lineups will be permitted. If a line forms, each patron will be kept six feet apart.
If maximum number of customers is attained in store, a line must be formed outside, each patron will be kept six feet apart
Notices will be posted at the entrances outlining of our safety plans.
ATMs will be cleaned after each use.
Customers will be reminded to maintain a six-foot distance between all patrons and staff.
Hand sanitizers will be available for customers.
Plexiglass shields has been installed between customer and employee area.
Service counters will be cleaned and sanitized regularly.
Interac terminals will be sanitized after every use.
Customers must bag their own merchandise with bags provided.
No outside bags permitted to be used by customers.
Staff-Only Washrooms will be cleaned regularly and thoroughly during the entire day.
There will be sufficiently spaced pathways to the washrooms to maintain distancing.
Signs have been posted in washrooms to remind management/staff of hand washing/sanitizing.
There will be no personal contact with other staff or customers (e.g. handshakes, hugs, etc.).
We will be staggering work schedules to decrease contact points.
All staff that are in close contact with customers or other staff will be required to wear a face shield at all times.
Staff will be required to wash hands upon arriving at work, before/after breaks, and after handling common tools and equipment.
Staff are limited to one person in the back/storage room at a time.
Staff members should follow normal preventive actions while at work and home including recommended hand hygiene and avoid touching eyes, nose, or mouth with hands at all times. Additional key times to clean hands include: After blowing one’s nose, coughing, or sneezing. After using the restroom. Before eating or preparing food. After contact with animals or pets. When touching front entry doors or Cold Zone / Beer entry doors.
There will be staff members assigned to cleaning specific areas, utensils, and tools.
Employees will not share dishes, drinking glasses, cups, eating utensils, towels with other people or pets. After using these items, they should be washed thoroughly with soap and water.
Employees will Clean / Sanitize High touch surfaces including counters, shelves, tabletops, door handles and keyboards. Employees will use a disinfecting spray cleaner, according to the label instructions. Labels contain instructions for safe and effective use of the cleaning product including precautions you should take when applying the product, such as wearing gloves and making sure you have good ventilation during use of the product
When an employee is coughing or sneezing: they will cough or sneeze into a tissue or the bend of their arm, not your hand. Employee will dispose of any tissues they have used as soon as possible in a lined waste basket and wash their hands immediately afterwards.
If while at work, an employee starts experiencing symptoms of respiratory illness consistent with COVID-19, even if symptoms are mild, ask the employee to don a mask and to leave work immediately, go straight home, and have them contact their family physician/primary care provider or 8-1-1 for further guidance.